How Period Pain Affects Going Back To School

How Period Pain Affects Going Back To School

For many students, September marks the start of a new grade, new possibilities, and maybe even a new school. It's a time of excitement, anticipation, and a tinge of anxiety. As students brace themselves for new classes, another challenge lurks in the background for folks who menstruate: period pain. 

Understanding Dysmenorrhea

Period pain, or dysmenorrhea, affects a significant portion of female students, influencing their back-to-school experience in various ways. Symptoms can differ greatly among individuals, manifesting as headaches, backaches, mood fluctuations, queasiness, and/or stomach cramps. For many students, these symptoms can be overwhelming, especially during the hectic start of a school year. 

The Academic Impact of Period Pain

For many students grappling with period pain, the severity of their discomfort can act as a barrier to regular school attendance, culminating in a whopping 41% of girls missing work and school due to menstruation.  It's not just the physical discomfort; the emotional toll can be just as debilitating.  Chronic absenteeism leads to gaps in learning and a possible drop in academic performance. Beyond the grades, being absent repeatedly can lead to feelings of disconnection from peers and the school community, which can cause a subsequent drop in self-esteem, making the student feel left behind both academically and socially.

Even if sheer willpower and determination drives a student to attend school while battling period pain, their ordeal doesn't end there. Pain and discomfort become constant distractions, making it harder for them to concentrate on lessons or engage in classroom discussions. In educational settings where consistent learning is vital, and every topic builds upon the previous, such disruptions can create significant academic disparities over time.

Physical education is an integral part of a student's holistic development.  However, the pronounced physical discomfort can deter students from participating. The pain can also discourage involvement in extracurricular sports. As a result, students miss out on the myriad benefits—both physical and psychological—that come with active engagement in physical activities.

Menstruation remains shrouded in unwarranted stigma and taboos. This societal perception, combined with personal pain, can lead to people menstruating and isolating themselves. They may avoid group activities, discussions, or even casual interactions with peers, fearing potential embarrassment or judgment. This self-imposed isolation can impact their social growth and deprive them of essential emotional support during challenging times.

The menstrual cycle is like stepping onto a hormonal roller coaster. Fluctuating hormone levels can significantly affect mood, leading to irritability, sadness, or heightened emotions. When period pain is added to the mix, it amplifies the emotional tumult. For a student already dealing with academic pressures, this can translate into heightened anxiety or dips in mental well-being. Understanding and support become crucial in such situations to ensure that the student's emotional and academic needs are both addressed.

Recognizing these challenges is the first step toward creating an empathetic and supportive school environment. Students should never feel penalized for a natural bodily process, and with the right measures in place, they won't have to.

Support in Schools for Students with Period Pain

In a world that often hushes conversations about menstruation, schools have the unique opportunity and responsibility to cultivate an atmosphere of openness and understanding. By embedding a comprehensive sex education curriculum that delves deep into the intricacies of menstruation, schools can foster a culture where every student, irrespective of their gender, understands the physiological, emotional, and social facets linked to menstrual health. 

Recognizing that students with period pain may have special needs, schools can introduce thoughtful accommodations. A flexible attendance policy, for example, can acknowledge the genuine struggle of some students, providing them the option to catch up without undue pressure.  Schools can bridge this knowledge gap through peer mentorship programs, too. These initiatives allow older students to share their experiences, advice, and coping strategies with their younger peers. 


The start of a new academic year is brimming with potential, promise, and a few apprehensions. Amidst this mix, the challenges posed by period pain. By building a school ecosystem rooted in empathy, information, and tangible support, educational institutions can reaffirm their commitment to holistic student welfare. It's not just about academic excellence; it's about ensuring every student feels seen, understood, and equipped to thrive, irrespective of the natural challenges they face.

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